Get birth-ready with me


9 books I recommend for a powerful pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey!

While you’re nurturing and growing a baby (or multiple babies) inside you, you’re likely to be looking after your diet and you may have already started putting items on your baby-shower registry and getting the logistics ready for your birth-day.

During this period, I want to invite you to invest in yourself by growing your knowledge about the changes your body’s going through, and the different tips and practices that would enable you to be informed about your birth choices and to give informed consent to any intervention that might be suggested to you when the time comes to meet your baby.

While there are many books on the subject of maternity care out there, I believe that these 9 book titles are well worth your time and truly think they would help you - and your birth partner - prepare for your baby’s birth and your postpartum.

These are books I own in my doula practice library*,I read a few of them during my pregnancies and have picked up the others in between pregnancies and my doula and breastfeeding specialist trainings.


these books are part of my doula practice library hence the reason i’m recommending them.
these are not affiliate links as I no longer associate with Amazon, so these are merely suggestions without any material compensation to me.

thank you!